Friday, October 10, 2008

The Economy

Today you will have to forgive me because just like our economy, I might be all over the place.

Free Enterprise- an economic and political doctrine holding that a capitalist economy can regulate itself in a freely competitive market through the relationship of supply and demand with a minimum of governmental intervention and regulation.

There's the dictionary's definition of free enterprise. It is without a doubt the best doctrine to follow. But have we focused too much on just minimizing government intervention and stopped paying attention to those in positions of power within our financial system? Those who have abused their privileges and focused on their personal gain rather than the greater good of our country. The executives who went on a retreat that cost $440,000 after the bailout was approved. When asked one executive said these trips are necessary in order for them to stay happy and motivated and keep their company making money. But there company is losing billions of dollars and tanking the US economy.

All of these top executives have seen this coming. They knew what was happening but they were making millions and were getting away with it and new that the government would come in and save the day. What's going to happen to them? The way things are going right now just a slap on the wrist and a pink slip telling them they are fired with a nice severance package. They can then retire and enjoy the millions they've paid themselves over the past decade. Am I the only one that sees anything wrong with this?

Now that what is done is done we need to look at what should be instituted to stop this and protect us in the future. Definately is not Barack Obama's Redistribution of Wealth idea. That is socialism at it's best and we definately don't want to go down that road. Not to mention Obama and his "changes" are going to require him to be a magician with a magic wand. But that argument will be saved for another day. There needs to be more regulations on our financial industry as well as oil and any other industry that our country relies on so strongly. An example I can use but it's close to home is Alabama Power. Alabama Power has to go through a strict examination every time they want to raise their rates yet oil companies can fluctuate prices as they see fit. Some regulation is definitely necessary.

If you go and clean someones house and do their landscaping spending your money on supplies and your time on the work do you expect to be paid? I would hope so. If you invest money into something do you expect a return? I would hope so. If you don't get a return on your investment do you keep investing your money into it? I would hope not. The taxes we pay are an investment to this country to take care of us and look after our well being. I don't like seeing my tax dollars spent liberating other countries and helping out other countries and we getting nothing in return. We are spending billions every month in Iraq. Iraq has a surplus that is projected to top off at $79 billion at the end of the year. How much money is Iraq paying us? $0
How much oil are they giving us at cost? None. I'm not even going to get started on Korea or every other country we've aided. Why don't some of these other countries give us some money and not ask for anything in return? We've been doing it for decades. The US needs to stop helping other countries for free. If you want our help it's going to cost you.

Write to congress. A whole lot of people in Georgia wrote to their representative complaining about hiked gas prices after hurricanes Ike and Gustav. Now over 100 stations' financial records are being examined by the government. If enough people voice their issues then those issues will be considered and looked into. Let's help our government resolve our crises by telling them what we want.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Gas Prices

I was going to write my first blog about the Vice Presidential candidates debate but I decided to write about somehing that REALLY affects us.

I know everyone here feels the crunch on their wallets and purses from the rise in gas prices. Most Americans feel helpless and do nothing to fight big oil. When word of rising gas prices reaches their ears they run to the gas station and do exactly what the oil companies want: buy all the gas. Free enterprise works mainly on supply and demand. When fearful Americans purchase a vast majority of the supply, the price goes up because the demand is still as high or higher than it's always been. The best thing Americans can do is sit at home on the weekend and enjoy some quiet time or family time and DON'T USE GAS therefore increasing the supply. Of course there is more to it than just this.

Oil futures...or speculation on the value of oil. Speculation should be done away with completely. I'm sure everyone noticed when Ike was coming so called "experts" said it was going to shut down the refineries and cause a shortage. Gas jumped $0.50 in one day. Now did the current supply of gasoline already in the gas stations' tanks magically cost more? No. That gas was already paid for but because of a lack of regulations in the oil industry, your Exxons and Shells can gouge us over bunk speculation. When the price of oil goes up, gas prices immediately go up. However, take notice when the price of oil drops. Gas prices stay the same for a while or slightly decline and the oil companies' reason for this is the gas currently in the stations' tanks was refined from the higher priced oil. Now why doesn't that theory go both ways? MONEY!

Look at the graphs of Exxon's and Shell's stock values. Put that alongside a chart of rising and falling gas prices. Start around 2003. The billions in profits these companies have turned in coincide with the rising in gas prices and in their stock value. Can you blame them? It's free enterprise at its best. They're racking up. We need regulations on speculation and collusion. When Exxon and Shell and Chevron raise their prices all the others do the same because oil is a necessity that can't be replaced immediately.

Their are several solutions to the problem. First, the American people have to REALLY stand up for themselves and demand some action. Second, car manufacturers need to stop taking kickbacks from oil lobbyists and start producing cars running totally on alternative fuels. Such as compressed natural gas. I suggest you check it out online at You can actually purchase cars that run on this and they get great gas mileage. You just can't get CNG at many gas stations and the car companies don't mass produce them. By driving more cars that run on CNG we can save $10 billion on foreign oil. Which can be used for the greater good here in the states. I have a cousin that came up with a device made out of pvc and stainless steel plates that when filled with water pumps hydrogen into your fuel. He added 9 mpg to his diesel truck. That's over a 50% increase! He's not a highly funded scientist in a lab. He's a mechanic. The technology is there but the right people are being well taken care of to keep the oil companies in charge.

Lastly, we're a democracy. Let's stop taking it for granted and letting others fight for our rights and take a stand. Stop wasting gas, stay at home more. Carpool. It's not that hard. We are stuck with gas for a while so let's fight back. Wouldn't you like to se $2.00 a gallon again? Figure how much you would save in a month. Factor in cheaper flights, cheaper milk and groceries, cheaper soft drinks. They've all gone up for one reason: higher gas expenses.